
Team Z project website

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Client Overview

What are the major pieces of your overall system? Include your architecture diagram (or perhaps a simplified version of it) and describe it in a way the client can understand.

Our application is containerized using Docker in a GitHub repository at We’ve implemented most of our functions — user authentication, project, takes, captures, and scene view. We implemented the backend using Django and frontend using React. We use PostgreSQL as our database.

Architecture Diagram

Where is each piece deployed?

We deployed the project to AWS Elastic Beanstalk, and the database is on AWS RDS.

How can the client manage everything? (You should give your client admin access over the infrastructure, if you haven’t already.)

The client can use the repository, and there is a comprehensive README file. We have listed clear and simple steps about how to build a read-to-use development environment. To manage the system, client can use their own AWS account to check the status of the project.

How much does everything cost? Is that subject to change? If so, under what conditions? Remember to include yearly subscriptions (like an Apple Developer membership) as well as monthly costs.

It depends on how to scale the server. Right now, the database is 29$ per year. AWS has a detailed formula to calculate the cost.

Where does the code live? Is it open source or closed source? Does the client have a license to do what they want with it?

The repository is It’s under MIT license and client can have full accessability over it.

How can the client access the live app?


If the app isn’t generally available, is there a way that the client can share the app with somebody else, so that they can use it?

Yes. We have a simple and clear developer README file here.

Of the “need-to-have” user stories (see Assignment 2), which ones are complete, partially complete, or unstarted?


partially complete:


Did you make any progress on the “nice-to-have” user stories? If so, which ones, and how much progress?

We haven’t gotten a chance to further investigate into this part.

What do you think the highest priority next steps are?

Finish the upload feature for the project and add a more complex security layer into the user authentication feature given that the media files may include sensitive and private content.